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Sunday, November 08, 2015

An Update on Life.......

Mom had her first chemo treatment on October 29th.
She is doing AMAZINGLY well....
I am so very proud of her, she is being very strong
and positive throughout this all.
I am a firm believer that attitude gets you a long ways,
especially where your health is concerned.
She is going to have 6 months of chemotherapy.
We are meeting with a radiation oncologist on the 16th
to see if she needs radiation too.
That will need to be done in Victoria, which is
 1.5 hours away, kind of sucks but at least there is
somewhere on the island that does it and
we don't have to go to the mainland.
She has had no nausea, a bit of a sinus headache
the night of the first treatment, which was taken
care of with good ol' Tylenol. We were told
this may happen.
She has been sleeping good and eating well.
She is having some issues with swelling in
her right arm, which we knew could potentially
happen. She has started to wear a compression sleeve
and is having lymphadema massage to help it.
We are waiting for her hair to fall out.
Sounds weird saying that but we were told
day 14 is when it would happen, so
pretty much any day now. I am debating
whether to shave it or just let it go.
I will let her decide that.
Mom and I took a drive to Victoria last
Monday and found her a wig and some
new hats to wear so she is all ready to go
when her hair falls out.
Have I mentioned how proud I am of her?
She is my hero...... =)